Use "rabbi nahman of braslav|rabbi nahman of braslav" in a sentence

1. Rabbi Jacob will dance!

2. Rabbi Feingold will marry us.

3. “Rashi” is a Hebrew acronym formed from the initial letters of the words “Rabbi Shlomo Yitzḥaqi [Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac].”

4. Maryland Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bluming

5. According to Rabbi Harold S.

6. Have you talked to Rabbi Nachtner?

7. One can't reenter the womb, Rabbi.

8. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, cites a tradition1 concerning the Approbations of the tzaddikim Rabbi Yehudah Leib Hakohen and Rabbi Zusya of Anipoli.2 This tradition originates with the Mitteler Rebbe, the son of the author of the Tanya, as follows.

9. Rabbi Wise called for nationwide protests.

10. Aggadot on Matan Torah - Rabbi Tuvia Kaplan

11. And the rabbi said, " You've misunderstood me.

12. Rabbinical Approbations Rabbi Chaim Eisen is a

13. The rabbi makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.

14. The choice of a new rabbi has divided the entire congregation.

15. The rabbi sat turning the pages of a book and sighing.

16. Now, you will go and see Rabbi Marshak.

17. Officiating at tonight's blackout is Rabbi T ribbiani.

18. Brasch, RUDOLPH (1912–2004), Australian Reform rabbi

19. Laszlo once wanted to be a rabbi.

20. This work is an immensely learned and deeply creative interpretation of many fundamental Aggadot relating to the intellectual biographies of the Tannaim and Amoraim, including Hillel and Shammai, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Resh Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan, and many others.

21. I don't know, Rabbi Hillel said something poignant.

22. Your zeide is a rabbi, a holy man.

23. Kapler called a Boston-area rabbi for advice.

24. A Twig Alighted Hayyim Nahman Bialik: A twig Alighted on a fence and dozed; So do I sleep

25. There's no improbity force from witch and rabbi either.

26. Rabbi Gutterman gave the invocation at the graduation ceremony.

27. Rabbinical Approbations Rabbi Chaim Eisen is a rare gem

28. You get the same treatment as everyone else, Rabbi.

29. In Meron, the burial place of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his son, Rabbi Eleazar, hundreds of thousands of Jews gather throughout the night and day to celebrate with bonfires, torches, song and feasting.

30. What does Clergyman mean? A member of the clergy; minister, priest, rabbi, etc

31. + 21 Peter, remembering it, said to him: “Rabbi, see!

32. Do we run out and call the priest or rabbi?

33. My uncle Gabriel, the rabbi, just barely escaped being shot.

34. Thankfully this fate has not befallen a splendid exponent of rabbinical humour, Rabbi Lionel Blue.

35. Rashi’s grandson, Rabbi Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam), was also a Bible scholar.

36. 31 synonyms for Clergyman: minister, priest, vicar, parson, reverend, rabbi, pastor, chaplain

37. So who do you think you are, Rosenbloom, the new chief rabbi?

38. Her background was middle-class, cultured, my maternal grandfather being a rabbi.

39. Thankfully this fate has not Befallen a splendid exponent of rabbinical humour, Rabbi Lionel Blue

40. Rabbi Pinski, a well-known Talmudic scholar, is the head of Kollel Aliyoth Eliyahu in Jerusalem

41. On January 30, 1995, the former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel deliberately pronounced the divine name.

42. What if he had been a vicar, a Methodist minister or a rabbi?

43. An Aliyas neshamah journal to keep track of your commitments and accomplishments With a special, inspirational audio/video presentation: "Providing Eternal Merit" by Rabbi Yissocher Frand and Rabbi Paysach Krohn (CD included with book)

44. Menachem Mendel Bluming is an experienced rabbi serving the Potomac, Maryland region

45. “The Cantor, by the way, is an older profession than the Rabbi

46. Uncle Gabriel was made rabbi, so there was no place for Father.

47. 19 Her background was middle-class, cultured, my maternal grandfather being a rabbi.

48. Volunteer Cantors and rabbi/cantor prayer leaders are especially common in small synagogues

49. With these opening words, Rabbi Yohanan offered an interpretive key to the Aggadot.

50. The Besht’s grandson Rabbi Baruch of Tulchin was famous for his bad temper and his excessive ego

51. Chiddushei Aggadot - Maharsh"a, on all tractates of Sha"s by Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Eidels

52. Rabbi Ari Kahn's The Crowns on the Letters represents a major achievement in the study of the lives of our sages, as well as in the study of rabbinic aggada.This work is an immensely learned and deeply creative interpretation of many fundamental Aggadot relating both to the intellectual biographies of the tannaim and amoraim Hillel and Shammai, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Resh

53. In others, the rabbi is frightened and repulsed by the power he has unleashed.

54. He wants to become a rabbi, and his favorite food is schnitzel and chips.

55. 4 Rabbi Zinovii Levovich Kogan, recites the Kaddish , the traditional Jewish prayer of mourning for the three men.

56. Minor ArcheologiesLori Baker, Amot Shel Halacha: Halachic Insights (Dalet Amot Halacha)Rabbi Ari N

57. They said to him: “Rabbi (which means, when translated, “Teacher”), where are you staying?”

58. The rabbi at the little synagogue in La Meinau no longer dares to go out.

59. When it’s Null and Void: Understanding Batel BShishim (One-Sixtieth) By: Rabbi Dovid Heber

60. In fact, the term “rabbi” does not appear at all in the Hebrew Scriptures.

61. Arranged topically, it was promulgated under the authority of Rabbi Judah Ha-nasi (“the Patriarch”), around 200 CE.

62. Engaging and visually stimulating video (2:56) narrated by Rabbi David Wolkenfeld explaining the purpose and content of the Amidah

63. There is no one profession that requires so many diverse prerequisites for leadership, as does that of the Rabbi.

64. 3 The man turned around, and Rabbi Ben Kaddish smashed him in the back of the head with a candlestick.

65. You may be able to get special dispensation from a rabbi to eat non-kosher food.

66. Rabbi Edward Bernstein: Environmental Legacy Of 9/11 I was astounded by the number and scope of Twain's advice -- and Admonishments .

67. Liel Leibovitz, senior writer at Tablet, is co-teaching Zionist Political Thought: Arguing Zionism with Rabbi Dr

68. The rabbi bowed as low as if he were reciting the Modim Anakhnu prayer in the synagogue.

69. It was carried out in the second century C.E. by a Jewish proselyte named Aquila, a disciple of the rabbi Akiba.

70. His adversaries include still more cossacks, a border guard or two, a rabbi, and a pugilist.

71. The Vilna Gaon, as well as his rival Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, both wrote commentaries on the Aggadot of Rabbah Bar Bar Hannah

72. The rabbi told Minna that she would have to wait ninety days before she could be married again.

73. Over the course of his career as a rabbi, Menachem Mendel Bluming has helped individuals with a variety of issues, from personal faith to more

74. Occasionally, the rabbi delivers his sermon from the Bimah, and on Rosh Ha-Shanah the shofar is blown there

75. This sentiment was subsequently revealed to be a quote from 19th-century German Jewish intellectual, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.

76. Many Jews refer to Naḥmanides as “Ramban,” a Hebrew acronym formed from the initial letters of the words “Rabbi Moses Ben Naḥman.”

77. The position of Cantor, also known as a hazzan, is one of the two ministerial roles in a Jewish synagogue, the other being the rabbi

78. Rabbi Bodkins was completely exonerated by the secular judicial system (criminal and civil) for improper acts allegedly committed in …

79. If a Bochur does go out of town, Rabbi Schmelczer recommends that parents ensure that there is the best possible hashgachah in the dorm

80. 4 Across the globe, in Brooklyn, N.Y., some Hasidic Jews used Twitter to track the fate of a rabbi held hostage in the building.